Mark, there's a man named Gordon Flowers. He is a self-sponsored, self-initiated warrior working to protect children from online pedophiles. Of course we know that many of the people you ultimately interview & photograph often find a correlation between childhood sexual molestation and the their subsequent negative life trajectory. Gordon's intelligence, wit, appearance, & sardonic twist on setting up & interviewing his "catches" online typically met out immediate street justice as the poached usually spill their guts then end up arrested. He's a gentle giant, self-sponsored & self-motivated with arrests in 26 states; this would be a 5 star SWU Interview and Portrait. My husband & I are great fans of your work Mark. Gordon was making a catch in Florida when I suddenly reflected back on your series with the sex offenders residing in the same FL trailer park. I just thought - this has to come full circle!
I reached out to him on thru a forum similar to this. Others have commented & liked the idea of you two connecting, so I'm just putting it out there!
Our same last names are just a coincidence in the very small world we live in. Happy New Year!
Monica Smart Flowers